Best Destinations Overseas to Look for a Foreign Wife
Experiencing love and passion for a foreigner can quite normally arise in any person as our modern world offers all conditions for people all over the globe to communicate and date. But will dating someone from another country result in long-term strong relationships? Today we will try to shed light on the main pros and cons of such couples and discuss how to meet single women.
In relationships with a person from another country, the main problem can be caused by the lack of a shared cultural background. Your partner will simply not understand many topics, and you will not laugh at his or her jokes. This is the main argument of those who believe that true love between people from different countries is impossible. However, we hope that facts and opinions, explained below will make your prejudices towards foreign dating sites go away.
Top Countries for International Dating
Dating someone from another region, country or even part of the world has become quite a normal thing and country dating sites come in handy in this case. Such platforms are location-orientated and offer you profiles only of those people you are interested in meeting. So, what countries are the best for searching for the love of your life?
India. Among the residents of India, more than 85% of people are representatives of the traditional views, according to which a girl should marry only the man chosen by her family. And the choice is, as a rule, made towards a wealthier man who will be able to provide a girl and help her family financially too. Girls here are hard-working, pretty and quiet, they respect the honorable position of a man and are willing to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. They believe the main role of a woman is to listen to her husband and choose family relations over a career, you will not have any problems with such a foreign girlfriend.
The Philippines. In this country, buying a girl for marriage is a part of centuries-long traditions. The low economic rate of the country and not the best financial state of most families make people turn to such a procedure of marriage. This means you should pay a family of a girl for the right to marry her, but this is not regarded as “escort” or something negative, just it has been historically so. But these sexy, energetic, kind and pretty girls will be worth every penny you give for them.
China. The recently abolished "one-child" policy and the traditional nationwide desire to have male offspring have led China to a demographic imbalance: 120 boys were born for every 100 girls. In other words, a huge number of young men will not be able to find a wife among their people in the near future. Because of this, families ask for big ransoms for their daughter when she grows up, sums reach $24.000, which is high even according to local standards. It means, if you are a wealthy foreigner, you can meet Chinese single girls online, come to their motherland and obtain a right to marry them by discussing everything with their parents.
Japan. In Japan, providing for a wife and baby is often very expensive. But since this country can boast of millions of single, pretty, patient, slim and intelligent girls, it is of huge demand among foreigners who come here to find a wife who will obey them, care for the children and maintain a special atmosphere in the house. The Japanese are known to be great workaholics, so a girl from here is likely to keep up with everything. Or, on the contrary, if you take her away from Japan and show her the world where you can provide her financially, and she can have a little bit of rest, she will be forever grateful to you.
Pakistan. In Pakistan, things are about the same as in India. The population cherishes traditions, girls are rarely allowed to marry at their own choice. And the ransoms, by the way, are quite high here. And this is despite the financial situation of the people. This means if you meet a girl from Pakistan, she will be your patient companion, wise partner, and best lover. These women respect their male partners greatly.
Russia. The legends are being told from one generation to another about the beauty of Slavic girls. Everyone who has been to Eastern Europe at least once admits this. On any free international dating site, there will be a separate category with the profiles of Russian, almost 650 thousand girls from Russia are registered on dating sites and wait for their foreign princes to take them away from their country.
Brazil. Our last choice in recommendations of the best countries for international dating has fallen on the country of hot, open-minded and powerful women. Brazilian ladies are quite open about their sexuality and are not at all against meeting a foreigner. Was it the beaming sun or cultural background that made these women so energetic and sexually confident or they are just naturally born to give love? One thing we know for sure is that Brazil is definitely a good option for meeting your lovely future wife.
Pros and Cons of a Foreign Wife
Before proceeding to choose the right international dating site and creating a profile, you will have to decide for yourself whether it will be suitable for you to date a person from another country. There are many aspects of the relationships with foreign women, some of them are not so harsh, others quite obvious. But let’s start with the advantages of international dating:
1. The difference in mentality is greatly exaggerated
The traditional argument that frightens those who think of international relations is cultural differences: in a short novel, they do not play a big role, but it will be difficult to create a family with a girl from another country. In fact, one can speak of a critical difference in mentality only when it comes to a person with other religious beliefs, such as a Muslim woman. In general, many cultures have some touching points or at least can learn how to find a middle ground. In most countries, there will be always open-minded people with fairly traditional (in most of them) ideas about family. In addition, the Internet has a globalized culture. You and the girl from Brooklyn may well have some idols, general jokes, and even life priorities.
2. There is no need to fear the language barrier
The second fear is the language barrier. If your English is "very bad," you have many difficulties, but in this case, the mission to conquer a foreign woman is too early to be considered a failed one: there are quite tolerable translators on the Internet who will help with both correspondence and live communication. In any case, the easiest way to make contact is to use apps for translation while communicating online. If the school and university knowledge of a foreign language is more or less fresh in your head, you will certainly be able to discuss everyday topics. Nothing motivates you to learn a foreign language like communicating with a living person.
3. Distance is not such a problem
For people from most developed countries, the Internet has become the main place for finding a partner, so the geographical factor is far from the first and even the second. Almost full-fledged relationships can be formed on the Web with flirting, heartbreaking conversations, sex, so by the time of your first offline meeting, you will feel as if you have known each other all your life. So, with the help of modern technologies, communication with a person can be consistent and exciting no matter how far away from each other you are. Just think about how many new details about a new culture and whole another world you can learn when dating foreign ladies. This is definitely worth it!
Now let's talk about some drawbacks and disadvantages of dating someone from another country.
1. You will find yourself far from family
Or she will be far from her own. Even if you were meeting your family once in six months, you had a feeling that they were close. And at any moment you could hop into the car and come visit them. Even if you were living in different cities. In another country, you will only have skype and other messengers to talk to your friends and relatives. And separation will exacerbate the desire to see them more often.
The same thing will happen to a girl if she moves to you. You will have to make a lot of effort to let her feel comfortable away from the family. It will take a lot of care and attention to make her feel loved. So that she doesn't regret leaving her relatives for you.
2. Traditions
Now you hate New Year, but when you find yourself somewhere in Asia, where no one has heard about your traditions, you will miss them very much. Everything familiar and native will disappear there. And the longing for the past usual cultural environment of your motherland will come. Many of your references to the traditions of your country will not be understood by anyone.
The same thing will happen to her. And you can't completely make up for what she's missing. In another country, there may be a lot of weirdness and customs. Ask her for details and try to reproduce what she's used to. If you decide to date a girl from another country, you will have to teach each other a lot, constantly talk and discuss what you do not understand.
3. Cultural misunderstanding
Some of the cultural behavior patterns of your regular environment will be never understood by your beloved. Similarly, you are not familiar with the rules of a foreign country. At first, it may seem like something fascinating and exotic, but it can become annoying over time. You are used to behaving in a certain way, and over time you will notice that it also annoys the locals. Watch your gestures, words, and expressions as not to offend anyone, especially your chosen one. Or teach traditions to avoid being in a stupid position. Yes, this is interesting only at first. But in a new country, there may be so many unusual nuances that it will only complicate your life.
4. Flirting differs
Although different languages and cultures are a non-critical obstacle for communication with a foreigner, it is worth considering them. For example, in each country or even the region, they have their own approach to flirting. Latinos are known for being open-minded. In their countries, men are free to approach women on the street, have a conversation or offer to spend an evening together. In Brazil, however, people often turn to each other with condescending nicknames, and this does not necessarily have a sexual implication. A girl can easily call you a "kitten" in the first conversation, and this does not guarantee that you are interesting to her as a man. Compliments that are considered too intimate in Russia are quite commonplace for Latin Americans. In the US, people, as a rule, are also quite uninhibited and do not hesitate to actively flirt. In this case, long warm communication does not always mean that something special is happening between you. European women are more used to high-spirited compliments such as "my heart," "my paradise" than frivolous nicknames. The British are traditionally considered to be cold and approach flirting neatly, in their communication hints and veiled signals prevail. Women in France, Germany and other European countries often take the initiative themselves, but in Italy or Japan, the first step is a prerogative of a man. Before to read the green light of a woman's right, it is necessary to understand whether it is not related to the peculiarities of her mentality.
Main Tips on Looking for a Wife on Foreign Dating Sites
Most modern international couples have found each other this way. Dating platforms allow people to meet, communicate and get to know each other well before the meeting. There is no pressure, and everyone feels safe, you can joke, google something if you are not sure about the cultural differences and use translating tools to make your conversation as clear as possible. It is convenient and fast, and that is why many people choose free dating sites in Europe to search for love. How to approach the process of looking for someone online properly and what you should remember – read below.
Learn everything about scams. The first thing that the acquaintance with dating sites begins with is reading an expert review. It is professionals in the field of psychology and relations that can objectively and fully describe the advantages and disadvantages of a particular foreign girlfriend website, talk about its pros and cons, and describe in detail the process of using the resource. Profile reviews of dating sites are often posted on aggregator sites of online dating platforms. From a structured and clear overview, you will understand what the platform offers, as well as what is important for you in a dating site. The findings will help determine the site that suits you.
Don't rush. When you finally found the resource that suits you, you must go through registration, answer a questionnaire or fill your description with information about yourself and start searching for partners. In this case, you should follow a few simple rules that will prevent you from the rush decision:
Do not disclose your financial situation, and do not provide personal information on foreign dating sites, such as address and card number, to strangers;
- Do not transfer money or financially help someone you met on a dating site but didn't see them in real life. Be sure to start with the good faith partner;
- If you notice suspicious and alarming behavior on the part of the user, contact support and describe the situation;
- Get a separate mailbox for registration on a dating site;
- Watch your safety both in online space and in real life. If you decide to invite the user on a date, appoint it in a crowded, well-known place.
Search well before choosing a site. Explore information, if you consider one or more dating sites for a serious relationship. Before registering, read the information posted on the pages of the web resource. First of all, pay attention to the “About Us” section, where services often describe their mission and purpose. Also carefully read the terms of use, privacy policy, and security.
Do not register on a site you are not sure of. The best dating sites always make available information about themselves and their policies. In addition, they present this information in a simple and understandable language, without trying to conceal something from users.
Try to find user reviews. Often, user reviews are posted in expert reviews on a dating site, but sometimes they need to be searched separately. User reviews are great as they provide more specific information about the resource. You can find out what unusual problems others encountered, how these problems were solved and, most importantly, whether the dating site was effective. Often users share personal information about their success or failure story. After reading them, you can evaluate the potential of the site and understand how useful it will be for you.
Be sincere and don't lie in your dating profile. Would you be glad to find out that a person you have fallen in love with was lying to you about something or hiding important details about them as a human being? For example, if she turns out to be shorter, have children, is not as slim or even married – would you be excited to hear it? Of course, no, so take this into consideration when filling your profile info. The truth will be revealed sooner or later and then you don’t want to have problems, explaining why you decided to embellish or hide something.
Know exactly what you need. The algorithms on the dating sites are simple – you have certain criteria, you choose those of them that suit you, specify the search results and get the option of what is the closest to your perfect potential partner. But if you do not know what to specify, how will the search engine understand you? If you do not do this, the results will be too wide, and you will not cope with the variety of profiles you will be shown, and this is not effective after all.
For example, in real life, you can find a rich wife at various parties for certain segments of the population. True, not everyone can get there. Although practice shows that for a confident man, nothing is impossible. Visit exhibitions of fashionable artists, go to theaters, fashion shows, etc. You will definitely come across one that will catch not only your eyes but also your soul. But be careful. Wealthy women are usually stronger and more independent than men. To interest such a person, you need to try very hard to find a rich wife.
And on a dating site, everything is much simpler, but before preceding to it, you should determine for yourself what you lack in women around you, why you chose to search for a foreign wife, what features you expect to see in her and which attributes you will never tolerate with.
Finally, remember some important nuances about how to find a wife. Look less at the appearance and more into the soul. Of course, the beauty of a woman also plays a huge role, especially in online dating when it is the first thing that you notice. But choosing a life partner basing on what she looks like, do not expect her to be a good person.