26.06.2020How to Plan a Bachelor Party: Everything You Need to Know
The famous movie in three parts The Hangover has become an all-time classic representation of all bachelor’s party stereotypes. Hardly anyone will surpass the celebration of these guts.
18.03.2020Real Signs She Cares About You: the Difference between Concern and Control
Care brings a warm feeling to the one who give it and the one who receives it. But here’s where things get dangerous because, in a blink of an eye, care turns into control. Both feelings are identical as twins, with the only difference: caring is positive, and control is toxic. We’ll teach you how to tell when a woman cares about you and when she violates your personal boundaries.
26.02.2020Eco-Friendly Gifts for Your Girlfriend: Tips and Ideas
To reduce the environmental footprint of your gifts, you can buy them in a regular store, and not online, to reduce the amount of packaging. Even gift wrapping can be chosen among ones from recycled materials, it is not as bright as glossy, but it can be decorated with stamps and drawings.
24.12.2019How Old Is Too Old to Date for a Man?
Anyone can find love, and it’s never too late to do it. And everyone on earth deserves this happiness. But people too often force themselves to believe in the unreality of their dreams, and it seems that this will never happen. Some say to themselves that they are not attractive or that they don’t want to be hurt again. However, you should never say never and even more so, deny yourself such pleasure as the search for a new love.
16.12.2019Tips on Coming Back to Dating After a Breakup
There is no easy way out of a relationship. True, you may feel liberated after an oppressive relationship, you may feel happy, but it’s not always about your mood at any given time. In this case, it is about when you will be ready for a new relationship. Well, you can start a new one just after the previous one, right? Well, there’s more to dating right after a breakup than that.
03.06.2019How to Handle a Bad Breakup like a Pro
We experience the end of a relationship in different ways. Some need more time to heal emotional wounds, while some quickly return to normal life and leave the past behind. But no matter how excruciating the pain we feel, breakups always give us the opportunity to grow, get to know ourselves better, and become stronger.
24.02.2019Top 10 Romantic Getaways in the USA
The USA is a huge country with beautiful cities, parks, and bridges. Many people fall in love with this country at first sight. In our article, we have collected the most interesting and beautiful places in America, which, having seen them once, you will remember for a lifetime.
08.02.20197 Ways to Increase Your Self-Esteem
Often failures at work, problems in personal life and dissatisfaction with appearance lower our self-esteem. But as soon as we increase it a little bit, many reasons to enjoy life and be proud of our achievements arise. Self-esteem is what controls our whole being! That is why we recommend you read about a few ways to help build self-esteem and take action today!
09.01.2019When to Settle Down: How to Know It's Time
Do you know why some people like to use an old whistling kettle that makes a noise in the whole apartment when the water boils? They adore it for its unambiguity: when the water is ready, it reports this with unmistakable clarity. It would be great if people had such a whistle, wouldn’t it? In the early stages of a relationship, all mutual signals are quite readable.
03.09.2018Mommy Issues Signs in Women
The issue of different generations not understanding each other is more and more prevalent these days. It may not affect a person at all, but, which is more often the case, it leaves an emotional scar, sometimes, quite a deep one. Today we will explore all the aspects of such generational conflict, mainly focusing on “Mommy issues psychology”.
08.08.2018Can a Man and a Woman Have a Platonic Relationship?
Love has many forms, but none of them causes as much controversy as platonic love. Despite numerous beliefs, there’s nothing wrong with it. Platonic relationships are characterized by the deepest and strongest feeling that contributes to our spiritual development. Platonic feelings raise a person over his instincts and ennoble him. Let's find out what a platonic relationship is, what lies behind it, and what you need to do to save it.
07.08.2018How Much Is Too Much Sex?
Many men and women are worried about the question: can their sexual life be considered full? How much is too much sex? After all, if you believe modern mass art, you should have sex every minute of your life. The film industry is propagating the cult of sex - and this has a very logical, pragmatic explanation. The fact is that sex is the ideal trigger for sales. Marketers have long identified this pattern and are using it 100%.
20.02.2018Here's Why Forgiveness Is So Important in Relationships
In life, we constantly interact with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers. If everything is all right with our psyche, most of the time this interaction is successful and even pleasant. But even in the most adjusted scheme failures may occur. Sometimes it happens that the usual mutual understanding disappears somewhere and instead of it there are grievances. The only remedy for resentment is forgiveness, expressed and accepted.
20.02.2018Is Your Relationship Co-Dependent?
Many people face the concept of co-dependence in relationships and don’t even know about it. A person who loses individuality is weak, vulnerable, and inclined to frequent aggressive states. The heart understands that he or she is dependent on another person, but the brain keeps saying that it should be so. Many couples don’t know how to get rid of co-dependence in a relationship.
20.02.2018Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide
While half a century ago most of the people coupled with their locals, nowadays with the online dating and the Internet per se, the term long distance relationship seems to be a little bit old-fashioned. The number of people who have found their partners abroad is growing every day. There are also a lot of couples where one of the partners is working abroad, albeit being absent from home for half a year. Thus there are a lot of forms of long distance relationships.
22.01.2018Female Sexual Fantasies and What They Tell about Emotional Needs
Evaluating the "normality" of your sexual fantasies, you cannot find a balance. At this moment, you worry that you want to try something extraordinary, but in the next moment, you are overwhelmed with doubts because it is so exciting. If this sounds familiar, there is good news for you. A new study has shown that even pervert sexual fantasies are not as bizarre as one can think.
22.11.2017Why Do Men Get Jealous Even When They Don't Date a Girl?
“There’s nothing serious between us, but I’m still pissed when she hangs around with other guys,” doesn’t it sound a bit confusing to you? If some girl would read this, she would probably ask, “What’s your problem?” But the thing is that no matter what kind of a relationship you’re in with her now, there will still be a place for jealousy.
23.10.2017Games for Couples: Would You Rather Questions for Your Girlfriend
Would you rather have a great foreplay or a quick sex? It does not matter how old you are and how long you are in a relationship with your beloved, a quiz is an all-around way either to get entertained or to get closer.
22.10.2017How to Break Up after a Long-Term Relationship: a Guide for Men
When you first fall in love, the hopes and dreams you have for the relationship are countless. You don’t know if she’s about to be your future wife or it’s all just a short fling, but you know for sure that at this moment you are happy. Unfortunately, sometimes this feeling doesn’t last very long.
22.09.201710 Sings of a Great Relationship
When there are doubts about whether your relationship is perfect, you need to analyze it. Then you can understand how successful the future will be. In order to make sure that you have a perfect relationship, we share 10 signs that help understand whether everything goes right or no.