29.06.2020Top 20 Relationship Deal Breakers
A common question asked by many people in love is, “What destroys relationships and how to improve them?” But the fact is that there is no specific reason why love between a man and a woman is fading away, and relations are deteriorating. It may be a lack of communication or too high demands of one of the partners.
26.06.2020When to Get Engaged With Your Girlfriend: A Full Guide
Getting engaged is one of the most important steps in the life of loving couples, which most people perceive as a logical continuation of their romantic relationship. Betrothal is not only another opportunity to receive a ring as a gift; there is a bit more to it. This is a way to say, "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you." But how long should you wait to get engaged? What questions to ask before getting engaged?
17.04.2020Travel Hookup Apps and Advice for Guys
Let’s say that you want to make your trip abroad more interesting and engaging, you want some new experiences and you are single, well then, how about some dating while you are on your travels?
15.04.2020How to Reconnect with Your Partner When You Feel Apart
What if you feel disconnect with your partner, and you are increasingly thinking about divorce? Passionate love and idyll passed into mutual reproaches and scandals. In the 21st century, 80% of all marriages break up. And this figure is increasing every year
15.04.2020Male Advice for Emotional Labor Investment in Relationships
Idealistically, every relationship is a result of mutual work and equal efforts. But why do we hear so often from our friends or co-workers, “I am tired carrying this relationship on my shoulders! I wish someone could meet me halfway”?
18.03.2020Problems and Real Tips for Over 30 Dating
Today we will talk about everything that has to do with over 30 dating. We will list some of the main myths about single over 30 dating, answer the questions, "Why is dating so hard in your 30s? What is dating in your 30 with a kid like?" and find out whether it is normal to be 30-year-old not interested in dating and list some tips on how to start dating in your 30s.
17.03.2020Top 15 Inspiring and Fascinating Group Date Ideas
Generally, fun group dates have a huge potential, but you need to prepare everything well. Otherwise, instead of having fun, you will have problems and quarrels. Surely, this is not what you expect from quality time with your romantic partner and a friend.
26.02.2020How to Take a Break in a Relationship and Make the Best Out of It
Some couples, having reached a deadlock in their relationship, decide to take a break, in other words, spend some time without each other. This helps someone – they rest from each other and consider the possibility of continuing the relationship. Others understand that the relationship can’t be returned, and it is time to put an end to it.
26.02.2020How to Be Romantic to Your Girlfriend: Tips and Ideas
Nowadays, too many men underestimate the importance of being romantic with their girlfriends, and this is very interesting because both men and women love romantic stuff. However, today, people are becoming less and less romantic, and some of the old school chivalry romantic things are considered redundant or even offensive. Well, there are ways how to be more romantic with your girlfriend, and in this article, you will learn a whole bunch of them.
24.02.2020How to Flirt Using Body Language?
Just imagine that you can easily create a great first impression on the representatives of the opposite sex and unmistakably determine that someone likes you. Sounds like some kind of superpower? Fortunately, everyone can master this ability, and you are no exception. The name of such a “superpower” is body language flirting. And today, you are going to learn some useful tips on how to use body language to flirt with a person you like.
18.02.2020Main Turn Offs for Women Every Man Should Avoid
Nowadays, we rely too much on online dating. Considering the fact that almost 60% of the world's population prefers using online apps and sites to find a prospective partner, it comes as no surprise. Men seeking women online and women seeking men online.
06.02.2020Primary Red Flags in Dating a Girl: Notice Them As Soon As Possible
When the connections end or do not go well, it is natural to think and wonder whether there were signs or red flags in the relationship. Were there any signs indicating that this is not a good match? You might think, "Am I missing something? Were there any hints that this would not work?" Often, we ignore obvious things pointing at the fact that this is not the best partner for us. But if you learn to notice red flags in dating a woman, you can avoid heartbreaking or dysfunctional relationships in the future. And we will teach you how to do this.
10.12.2019Best Ideas for a Romantic Winter Vacation
Feeling adventurous? Why not leave the traditional Christmas dinner to your parents and spend the holidays somewhere else? Winter is a perfect time for a change of scenery. Pack the bags, grab your special someone, and say goodbye to monotonous chores, annoying coworkers, and daily routine. No troubles, no worries, just you and your loved one, enjoying the warmth of the tropical sun or a cozy fireplace in a mountain resort. The choice of romantic winter trips today is mind-blowing.
21.11.2019What Is Considered a Date and How to Distinguish It from Hanging Out?
Sometimes it is very hard to understand whether your meeting with your friend is a date or just a hangout. This happens because people usually have no idea what is considered a date. So, hanging out vs. dating, what should you choose to describe your romantic meeting? It depends on a situation, read more about the cases of usage and ideas on how to turn hanging out into dating.
17.11.2019What Makes Her The Best Woman to Marry: Sure Signs
No matter how long you've been dating, your marriage may not work out. You feel frustrated and in the need of relationship advice? There is no need to torture your shrink with questions, "Should I marry her?" just continue reading to learn how to figure out whether she is the one or not.
27.10.2019How to Meet Girls Online Apart from Facebook or Dating Sites
Dating is always beyond the borders. It unites lovers all over the world, brings cultures together and makes everybody understand that nothing’s impossible. Cyberdating has contributed to that idea since it allowed us to unite with no fuss and worries within a millisecond.
27.09.2019The Secret Behind Seducing A Girl
Not all of us feel like it’s easy to approach women, neither on the Internet nor in real life. The latter is usually considered to be the harder option because it involves quite a lot of nuances, and eal-life communication simply involves a lot more things than online correspondence. In today’s article, we will talk about the tips and tricks one should remember if they want to meet single females online.
24.07.201910 Tips for Dating a Girl Who Loves to Travel
In the modern world of nine-to-five jobs, credit facilities, mortgage services, and utility bills, days become almost indistinguishable from each other and look like an eternal rat race. Under the weight of such a life, a person often forgets about what is important for them and what they want from life. Thus, we become hostages of the circumstances, mundanity, and everyday routine.
23.07.2019How to Get a Girl in the Club to Dance with You
Besides the fact that the dances cheer up and relieve stress, they also provide people with an additional opportunity to communicate and get to know each other better. And since this is one of the forms of interpersonal communication, one should know and observe the norms of dance etiquette. Let's be honest: the invitation to dance since the times of school prom is remembered as something painfully awkward, so we try to forget it as soon as possible and do it with pleasure.
10.06.2019Cute Summer Date Ideas Your Girlfriend Is Guaranteed to Like
Summer days are the best because you can go to the beach, site outside the whole day, throw yourselves a picnic, walk in the park, ride bikes, rollerskate, go to festivals and other events. What's more romantic than a summer date night? The nights are so warm, the air is so clear and the atmosphere is just incredible. We are here to present you the best summer date ideas for couples.