Best Compliments for a Ukrainian Girls


Men realize the power of compliments and keep using them to win women’s hearts. However, not all of them know how to compliment a girl properly. Some guys believe that quantity is transformed into quality, so they direct the flow of compliments at their object of romantic interest. A classic said that women don’t lose their heads over nice words. Men do. That is why quantity doesn’t work here. Moreover, if you start bombarding a Ukrainian woman with compliments, she will not take you seriously and will think you’re a talker. Ukrainian women feel that thin line between a compliment and flattery and can distinguish between them. The insincerity of your words will turn them off. Although every woman likes to receive compliments, she’ll pretend this is not about her and blush in most cases. Deep down, she’ll feel a great boost in the level of confidence. This is one of the reasons you should say compliments when you date or court a woman.

Best Compliments for a Ukrainian Girls

Why You Should Compliment a Girl

One of the basic functions of a compliment is to make a good impression on a woman. Even if you’re not good at paying compliments, you should improve your skills in order to be more successful with women. They say women love with their ears and it’s true. So, if you find the right moment for making a compliment and do it in an appropriate way, you’ll definitely impress a woman.

When to make a compliment. Do not miss any reason to compliment. Everything is surprisingly simple! A common misconception is to say compliments only to the "right" people in the right moment when you want to get something. In the absence of proper practice, this is the most difficult situation, because the object knows that you will somehow “drive up” to it. And you have no experience. Therefore, it is likely that nothing good will happen.

How often to say compliments? As often as possible. If a girl is at least to some extent worthy of a kind word. Only when practising you can achieve ease in making compliments, which makes them natural and irresistible. When a girl liked the compliment, her face is sharing a laugh. And the one who said it will feel that their own mood has improved. That’s that rare case when a few simple words can make others feel better! Good luck with that!

Here are the situations in which a good compliment is always to the point.

  • First encounter.

When you meet a beautiful girl, you often don’t know what to say. This is where a compliment can be your life saver. You can start a conversation by paying a compliment or use it as a pickup line. Speaking about online dating, you can include a compliment in your initial letter and make your message stand out.

  • Flirting.

Compliments are an essential part of flirting. This is the most surefire way to show your romantic intentions. Be playful but make sure you don’t cross the line of appropriateness.

  • Dates.

Women spend many hours in front of the mirror getting prepared for a first or any further date. They try to look their best and you should appreciate their efforts. If you go out on a date with a Ukrainian woman, set the right tone for the whole date by complimenting her. It will make her feel confident and show that you’re attentive. Three compliments for a date are considered optimal.

  • compliments for a girl in the morningEveryday life.

When a man enters into a long-term relationship, he realizes he totally won his woman. As a result, many men get comfortable and decide there is no need to put any effort into their relationships. You should remember that compliments are those subtle signs of love that keep the passion if your relationship alive. So, say some nice words when you see your woman without makeup or when you notice her new lingerie.

Compliment Dos. The best compliment is strictly individual. However, there are some general points:

  • Honesty. It is not necessary to tell the Asian about “big eyes in which you can drown”, a girl with crooked legs about “exciting bending of her legs”, and to a tanned beach lover about “aristocratic skin pallor”. A girl just does not understand it, making a circular motion with her index finger near the head, and in the worst case, may even laugh.
  • Emotions. Compliments are usually made under the pressure of feelings, in those moments when you are simply bewitched by the interlocutor (at least, women think so). So do not really try over the wording, but improve your acting skills.
  • Conciseness. Short compliments are preferable to long ones. Just consider your girl’s attention as a puppy’s - it’s emphasized for no more than 15 seconds - and try to fit into this time.
  • Compliments in verses. Do not try to make a compliment in poems, especially if you do not know how. Firstly, it is old-fashioned. Secondly, it’s too much to an amateur, because even if you are a poet, not everyone loves poetry.
  • The best option is to speak in your own words, in prose.

Compliment Don’ts. An appropriate compliment about the appearance of a girl will significantly increase your chances for her hand and heart. Before you make a compliment, think carefully, formulate the speech, only then express the thought out loud. Many men who just have no gift of the gap, often make mistakes while making compliments. Let us give you examples of compliments that should not be said to women:

  • Avoid ambiguous compliments. For example: “What a beautiful new blouse! She slims you up so much!” After such a compliment, a girl may take offense at you.
  • Do not make compliments about the defects in appearance of a woman. For example: “You are such a donut! But I love women like this. ” After such a phrase you will greatly fall in the eyes of a woman. Moreover, for such a compliment a slap in the face may be delivered.
  • Instructive compliments. For example: “You have such slim legs! Why don't you wear short skirts? ”Or“ You have such gorgeous hair! You should walk with your hair loose. ”
  • When complimenting you should take into account the degree of intimacy. Do not say too intimate personal compliments, this can confuse the girl and make her blush.

Before we reveal the best compliments to say to a girl, you should understand how to make compliments for girls. The way you say something is often more important than the actual words you say. Your compliment will have the desired effect only if you say it sincerely. For this, don’t use trite phrases but say what your heart prompts you to. Your intonation and body language also matter. Be open, convincing, smile, and demonstrate your confidence. Keep in mind that there are compliments to give a girl at the beginning of your relationship and the ones to pay when you already know each other well.

Best Compliments for a Ukrainian Girl

Instead of giving you a list of ready-made compliments, we’ll give you a list of tips on how to compliment a Ukrainian woman. Even if you think you know how to compliment women, there is always room for improvement. Moreover, every woman is unique and she deserves a unique compliment dictated by a particular situation.

Focus on her personality. One of the best compliments for girl is the one that praises her personal traits. Of course, she wants to be complimented on her appearance but if you focus exclusively on her looks, she may think you’re not serious about her. In order not to come across as superficial, compliment her both on her appearance and character. Even “You’re so funny/kind/vivacious” will do.

Sound sincere. If you want your compliment to sound sincere, don’t say general phrases but say something specific. The first compliment that comes to your mind is probably, “You’re so beautiful!” It expresses your general impression and this is not the compliment that will melt her heart at once. Have a closer look at your date and you’ll notice her distinctive feature that asks for a compliment. It can be her eyes, long hair, a mole, or an interesting accessory.

Compliments for a girl’s look. Before making a compliment about girl’s appearance and look, study her carefully. Before going out, almost every woman is carefully preparing: she chooses clothes, accessories, puts on makeup, and does her hair. At the same time, she necessarily focuses on one kind of detail, which would emphasize her originality and individuality. It will be great if you notice this detail. What do you think she would like to be noticed by others?

Of course, every girl has her own zest, the feature that adorns her and makes her stand out among the rest. Eyes, hair, lips, legs, chest, style of clothes can cause admiration in a man. You must sincerely express to the girl all the compliments which she deserves.

Compliments over text. Not every person has a gift of the gap. Some men are lost while communicating with a beautiful woman and it’s hard for them to choose proper words to make a compliment. So an indecisive man can please a girl by text message. Here are some examples of compliments you can make over text:

  • My thoughts are only about you, you are the most beautiful, and all my dreams are only with you, goddess!
  • A graceful figure, hot look, and cute voice. I'm losing my mind without you, my wonderful angel!
  • There is no person tender and nicer than you. You are my clear sun, you are an angel that came down from heaven!
  • when to make a complimentI thank fate! I love you the most!
  • Mankind knows the seven wonders of the world, but the main miracle is you, my love!
  • There is nothing more wonderful in the world than just living with you together!
  • Touching compliments. It is important for a man to constantly talk about his feelings to a beloved woman. Tell a girl that you love her, that you appreciate her support, tenderness, and care, and that you are happy that you met her. Such compliments are no less pleasant than those relating to appearance and beauty. Here are some:
  • You are like air to me!
  • The stars, and the sun, and the moon fades next to you!
  • You have an open, kind heart!
  • Many people believe that miracles do not happen in the world. This is not true. You are the real miracle!
  • You have an excellent skill to be at the right time at the right place!
  • You are the one and only for me! You are my life, my ray of light in this world!

Compliment for a girl in the morning. Morning compliment can be made even over text. Text message sent from a mobile phone is one of the most convenient ways to communicate, to express feelings and emotions, to congratulate loved ones. Accurate and short messages will not take much time, but how much they can contain!

  • When you open your eyes in the morning and read this message, you will remember that there is a person in the world who needs you so much!
  • Good morning, beautiful, wake up soon! Let it be a joyful day for you.
  • How pleasant is it to wake up knowing that in this world there is a soul close to me. Good morning, my beloved!
  • Good morning! Have a good day! How nice that I have you.
  • I wish good morning to my sweetie pie! I love you very much, hug and kiss you!

Compliments for a girl’s voice. The voice is also very important. If you think that a girl has a beautiful voice, it means that you are listening to her, and if you are listening to her, then you appreciate her.

And yet - find out her opinion about her voice, so as not to be misled and blamed for flattery. This will put an end to further relations.

  • “You have a very tender voice” - that is what any romantic girl wants to hear unless she speaks like a train whistle.
  • “Have you ever thought of becoming a singer?” - If your girlfriend is constantly crooning or just purring something, she will surely like a suchlike assessment of her talent.

Compliments for a girl’s smile. A smile can be different. Mischievous, naughty (these are different things, by the way, the first is more decent), modest, gentle, bitchy ... but always remember that a smile should be beautiful and sweet.

  • “Sorry, but you smile so sweetly that I just can't stop” - your lifeline after a bad joke or the phrase “Can you even talk seriously about something?!” that is almost always the same thing.
  • “[Name of woman], why are you depressed? Smile, and make this gloomy world a little brighter! ”- if your beloved girl is sad and you cannot help her in any way, try this option. We are not sure that it will help improve her mood, but at least a slightest smile can be achieved.

One word compliments for a girl. Here you have the best list of compliments for a girl consisting of one word. Such flattering words are convenient, concise, meaningful and suitable both for use in a conversation, and for placement under a photo, sent in a message. And also with their help, you can make a greeting, support words, write a card to a bouquet of flowers, make an engraving on the bottle of perfume and other gifts.

  • neat
  • altruistic
  • Amazon
  • captivating
  • angelic
  • aristocratic
  • aromatic
  • carefree
  • disinterested
  • matchless
  • priceless

unique compliments for a girlUnique compliments for a girl. We will offer you a list of original, unusual and pleasant compliments for each girl. But you should also exercise your own skills. To do this, say nice words to girls and women as often as possible and watch their reaction. They will be pleased and you’ll have a great practice.

  • "When I saw you, I forgot where I was going ..."
  • "You are like a bouquet of spring flowers, your smell drives me crazy ..."
  • "You know, looking at your legs, I begin to doubt that someone has slimmer."
  • “It's hard to believe, but you cook even better than my grandmother!”
  • "To a wife like you, I would fly from work as a superman in 5 minutes."
  • "If I compared you to cars, you would be a Ferrari."
  • “What dragon do you need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?”

Ask a question. To prove that you focus your attention on a particular detail of her appearance for a reason, add a question to your compliment or expand it. For example, if you complimented her on the necklace, say that it perfectly fits her style and accentuates her elegant neck.

Resort to comparing. Poets are the best at creating nice compliments for girls. Even if you don’t write poems, you can come up with a worthy compliment by following their example. Since they like to compare their loved ones with beautiful things, you should also find some similarities. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Keep it simple. Compare her beautiful blue eyes with the color of the sky or sea, tell her that her hair feels like silk, etc.

Say it in Ukrainian. If you want to impress a Ukrainian woman, learn how some compliments sound in her native language. If you compliment her in Ukrainian, you’re allowed to say something simple as “You’re very beautiful/You’re charming” that will sound like “Ty duzhe krasyva/Ty charivna”.

Be concise. Wanting to impress a woman, some men turn a compliment into a long toast. They begin from afar, lose the thread of thoughts periodically, and see woman’s confused face. In order not to repeat other guys’ mistakes, don’t be wordy. Make it short and concise – just like an aphorism.

Avoid ambiguity. If you resort to metaphors and comparisons, make sure that your compliment won’t be interpreted in the wrong way and won’t offend your date. So, think twice to avoid embarrassment.